Your favorite KT 150 based amplifier?

Help me decide for powering my Graham Audio LS5/5s.  Have an EAR 868 pre.  Considering CJ, ARC, Octave… but lots of others out there. What’s your favorite that you’ve heard?  
I have been a very happy original owner of an ARC 150 SE since 2017. Everything is is context, and pairing it with an ARC Ref 6 and using Cardas Clear Beyond XLR IC helps to get the best out of it. I have 1300 hours. Not a hiccup so far. This amp has "balls" and yet retrieves inner detail and creates a finely woven soundscape. I have never fallen asleep while listening no matter how fatigued. Back in my solid state days I used to routinely fall asleep while listening. No alcohol, no narcolepsy,  just a soporific sound character. 
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I listen to my system at least twice as much as I did before switching over to my ARC tube amp.
@redwoodaudio  Yes, I do own a Jadis Mk2..utilizing KT150's. It's a great amp.
I went to a store and listened to 160 and fell in love. Since I can't afford it at the moment, I recently bought a used AR REF150 SE. What an amplifier! It is the best amp I have ever owned.
It has explosive dynamics, incredible punch, lots of detail without being sterile, and as mentioned above, it weaves a brutal, layered soundstage. There is a quality that surprises me a lot and that is the palpability of the instruments.
A magnificent amp.