Stuck point!

I am returning to the experts to get an opinion. I sold my PS Audio M 700 mono blocks thinking I was ready to pull the trigger on the Wellsenton R800i. I know their are great similarities between some of the Line Magnetic amps. around the same price point of just under $3,000, almost identical except for tubes. So, their are options if I chose to go with another well known brand. Here are the issue/s..  I have a fairly small treated room and I keep hearing it will “heat the room up.” I don’t know if it will be problematic or an overstatement. Plus the issue of bass. It may not produce good base which is a problem since I loved the class D amps bass. Lastly, speaker sensitivity, most of my speakers have 87db and up except for the LS50’s. Thanks, don
I run class Ds for all the speakers in the summer and valves and class Ds spring, winter, and fall. It’s to hot where I live to run valves and an AC. It just doesn’t make sense. The three months with class ds is my upgrade and tune up time for the valve amps... Works out great...

The Boom Boom issue.. that's pretty easy, Treat, the room, decouple the speakers/subs and DSP the bass section.

@mastering92, thanks for your response. I got the idea of a fan after seeing a mom pushing her stroller with a portable fan with a wrap around stem. I thought well they make them small enough to wrap or clip into a stand so why not? And since i am retired i can pretty well listen when i chose to so it is not limited. As far as bass i have not measured the extent as you noted, just decent but not "window rattling," more of a natural bass.  
Tube amps will heat up a small room pretty quickly. A fan will begin to move hot air around and won't provide much relief. I was in a 12' x 12' room for a few years and even a PP EL34 amp made the room hot after a short while. No way around it.
@oldhvymec, I have also thought about using both valve and Class D or AB amps. and switching between them. Right not i only have the means for one or the other. So, i very well could wind up doing that  just not on that timetable. I guess my biggest point in all this is, "do Class A valve amps produce so much heat that it makes the room uncomfortable." My Schiit Freya+'s aluminum top with 4 tubes gets pretty hot but i do not notice the heat externally. Plus, Individuals buy tube amps. all of the time is it because they only use large rooms and heat does not become a problem, much like a Plasma TV. I have a Plasma TV and the heat is not bothersome but people always commented on it. Is this the same case with Tube amps?