Horn speakers , high efficiency but not “shouty”

I am interested in a high efficiency horn with SET AMPS, in a 12 ft by 18 ft room. 9 ft ceiling .
I have narrowed my choices down to Charney audio Excalibur http://charneyaudio.com/the-companion-excalibur.html
and rethm maarga v2
would appreciate input from any one who has heard the above speakers or someone who has a similar system . 
listening choices are vocal music , no classical music.
Very rarely might want my system to play loud party music .(extremely rare ) does not have to play it like solid state system. Thanks in advance 

Horn speakers , high efficiency but not “shouty”

Need help please, got the charneys the companion , and the charneys 300b amp and preamp. Got the western electric 300 b tubes and nos tubes from andy at vintage tubes . Brian Charney came over to set up the system. I find the system lacking in bass and thickness of musical presentation. It’s thin and weak the presentation .

i think i said this in another post a while back, covering a similar topic... i have been looking for 40 years now (okay, maybe 25-30)... still looking... 😞😞😞
@newtoncr, Have you heard the Charney gear in another system/room where it overcame the issues you're describing? Have you played everything enough hours for break-in yet? Cheers,
@sbank No I haven’t listened in another system 
or place . People who have heard it say it’s amazing and love it. Unfortunately I am not getting the same magic in my room . I am looking for advice with regard to tweaks like cables , room treatment, placement etc to try to get the magic in my room. 
Yes they have all been broken in by playing over 600hrs. 
You seem pretty tight with ASC, how about posing the question to them? 
I would hesitate to start messing w/cables and tweaks for this stuff until you've maximized the placement & setup and convinced yourself this gear is definitely a keeper. 
FWIW, I've only heard  a couple of horn setups that do any of what you're after, although they certainly have plenty of immediacy and other strengths....tradeoffs...always tradeoffs. Since the designer setup the rig, did he comment that HE thought is was sounding like it should? If yes, oh no!
Hate to ask but is seeking a refund or selling them on the table? Sorry to poke my head down the darkened hallway! Cheers,
@sbank Brian agreed the sound was not what his system should produce . He wants me to visit him and hear first hand how his system sounds in his setup . He is a great guy . Always willing to work with you.

room treatment, Brian is against them . But I have talked to asc multiple times and we have measured the room, taken recording from the room and analysed . Again the horns and how they interact with the room is not everyday for them.  They have recommendations, they recommended a soffit design for control of front end ringing . We r still working on room optimization. We tried tube traps in different configuration it just killed the music for me .