B&W DM600

Hi I just found a good deal on a pair of B&W DM600 speakers. What do you think about this model? Thanks
Ag insider logo xs@2xhighend64
Nice budget model from the 1990s. Not much bass but good detail and balance. Use with warm sounding equipment.

Which version is this the early one with the poly woofer or the later one with the Kevlar?
Had a pair years ago they were pretty good and got good reviews at the time.
I replaced the larger B&W DM560's with these and was more than happy they were clean, grainless, lively, and transparent I would probably still have them today if my friends Junkie girlfriend had not decided to take them for a walk Downtown.
They are rated 4ohm which might present a problem. My Pioneer A400 had no issues driving them
Thanks for the responses. It turn out that the tweeters are not working properly.