Improving streaming SQ

I have an Aurender A10 and stream Tidal and Qobuz.  I'm looking for an easy and cost effective way to to improve streaming sound quality as it seems to fall a little short of my ripped CD's.  Artistic Fidelity makes an ethernet galvanic isolator (GISO GB) that plugs in between the CAT 6 cable and the Aurender.  I'm wondering if any one has tried this or a similar product and what your experience was.  I don't think this product is available in the USA, but I can get one shipped from Germany for 299 euros.  As always, any and all comments are appreciated!
@calgarian5355  - I was considering adding a switch to my chain that includes the gigafoil v4.

But I bought the ENO a few months ago, and it was an uplift in SQ.  Very happy with the surprising results - knowing how the gigafoil works.

At first, I wasn't too impressed with the ENO.  By itself, it was good - about on par with the gigafoil by itself.  But together, it was a step backwards.  As a test, i switched out the ethernet cable between the gigafoil and the ENO (Sablon Panatella) with a Blue Jeans cable.  There we go!

Weird that the Sablon cable didn't play nice when used with those two devices.  Maybe it and the Blue Jeans have different grounding techniques?

I'm thinking about trying the Network Acoustics cable.  Overall, I can endorse the ENO with the Gigafoil as an improvement, in my system.
Speaking of switches, if anyone interested in exploring the ‘next’ level of improvement in streaming, should check out Telegärtner’s M12 switches. Both ‘Magic’ and ‘Gold’ are now considered the new benchmark in ethernet switches.

I’ve just added M12 Gold Switch and the improvements were far from subtle, in fact a game changer in my system. The M12 replaced both EE8 and ENO Filter w/Ag LAN Cable in my system.

Improving streaming SQ

Tell the streaming/download companies what the provenance of the recording is that they are going to stream/download to you. Then you have the choice to take it or not.

Same album original and re-issues

Cheers George