Horn speakers , high efficiency but not “shouty”

I am interested in a high efficiency horn with SET AMPS, in a 12 ft by 18 ft room. 9 ft ceiling .
I have narrowed my choices down to Charney audio Excalibur http://charneyaudio.com/the-companion-excalibur.html
and rethm maarga v2
would appreciate input from any one who has heard the above speakers or someone who has a similar system . 
listening choices are vocal music , no classical music.
Very rarely might want my system to play loud party music .(extremely rare ) does not have to play it like solid state system. Thanks in advance 

@sbank Brian agreed the sound was not what his system should produce . He wants me to visit him and hear first hand how his system sounds in his setup . He is a great guy . Always willing to work with you.

room treatment, Brian is against them . But I have talked to asc multiple times and we have measured the room, taken recording from the room and analysed . Again the horns and how they interact with the room is not everyday for them.  They have recommendations, they recommended a soffit design for control of front end ringing . We r still working on room optimization. We tried tube traps in different configuration it just killed the music for me . 

I have built over 100 full-range driver systems. What you are describing is a characteristic that they can have if cabinets are too lively.  All lack extension on top and bottom =unless giant. I would consider a bass horn system or multiple large subwoofers and adding a tweeter like a Fostex t900a. 300b amplifiers while lovely things some can sound thick and a bit sloppy and can cause resonance issues with some BLH. When I build full-range systems they are very large and the cabinet is very much overbuilt to reduce any coloration. 
Hi @johnk ,

How do you compensate a low midrange drop that is typical for all full range drivers?
Is any other solution than front horn to support these frequencies?

Given that Brian agreed with your assessment he shouldIf take them back.  He could always try different drivers, capacitors or resistors in the speaker.  I can tell you my Viking Acoustic Grande Voix Dual horn speakers are everything that I dreamed about.
@willgolf I am still working with Brian. I don’t think expecting Brian to take it back is fair . He is a great guy and has a great product. Only problem is I am not able to make it sing in my room .
not done yet lol. Not ready to throw in the towel. More room placement experiments, room tmt , subs … on the way …
will keep u posted