You are very much welcome- and thank you for saying so. Of course it drives the haters heads to explode. (I know, rent free!) Which makes it all the more gratifying.
I can’t try everything that’s out there- no one can!- but I go to a lot of trouble to find what I think is the best, and then when I can to learn how it does in fact work, by listening.
The more you do this the more you will find yourself outside the monkey see monkey do norm. So be prepared. But also the more you will find yourself with an uncommonly satisfying system. So totally worth the effort.
btw we did Podiums under Brandon's Pendragon XL yesterday, similar huge improvement in bass, removed so much overhang/resonance you would think would require many huge tube traps.
I have made a purchase or 2 based on your comments. I very much appreciate your input on any number of things/ products. Thank you.
You are very much welcome- and thank you for saying so. Of course it drives the haters heads to explode. (I know, rent free!) Which makes it all the more gratifying.
I can’t try everything that’s out there- no one can!- but I go to a lot of trouble to find what I think is the best, and then when I can to learn how it does in fact work, by listening.
The more you do this the more you will find yourself outside the monkey see monkey do norm. So be prepared. But also the more you will find yourself with an uncommonly satisfying system. So totally worth the effort.
btw we did Podiums under Brandon's Pendragon XL yesterday, similar huge improvement in bass, removed so much overhang/resonance you would think would require many huge tube traps.