Class A Power in A/B amplifiers?

Is there a general industry standard for the amount of Class A power in Class A/B amplifiers?For instance SimAudio has always touted that they run Class A for the first 5 watts.Curious how other higher end manufacturers approach this..

To me, there is no proof class A is consistently or even broadly better than any other class of amplifier when each class is well executed.

Of course Class-A is better if made correctly.

Once a low bias A/B amp leaves it’s low Class-A bias you get cross-over distortion. "NO" crossover distortion is better to listen to in anyone’s language, it’s one of the worst distortions there is, if it were second harmonic distortion then you could forgive it

Do yourself a favor (here’s your proof) and listen to a Gryphon Antillion with switchable bias on the run while listening low, med, high (100w), if you can’t hear the difference then give it away and take up something else.
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believing that Class A was the SHIT! ... But I came to find that slew rate & wide band frequency response under punishing conditions is a far better resume

You can't state that unless it's the same amp your comparing the different Class-A bias with.

You also need to listen to the same amp (Gryphon Antillion) as I stated above with all those parameters you mention, but that is switchable in Class-A biasing low med and high, and then state it doesn't matter much, if it's in high class-A bias compared to low or even medium.

Cheers George  
What I meant to say that my own ears have yet to discern a preference of Class A over Class A/B or even D which is even moderately consistent.
:) This is an entirely different issue! If the amp has feedback, you'll probably not be able to tell anything about class A or AB. If the amp is zero feedback you will. Most amps that are class A or AB and run feedback simply don't run enough, so you'll get artifacts on that account (usually brightness and harshness caused by distortion). Pretty hard to tell which is which when that issue is overshadowing things.
Well, @atmasphere read my previous post and responded appropriately while @georgehifi seemed to have ignored the point I was making, which is about audible benefits and sticks to cherry picking statistics which he feels must prove his point.

As I’ve mentioned like, forever: a measurement is not audible nor a preference. It’s just a number.

To be "better" to me it has to sound better. Otherwise it’s either equivalent or worse. We can argue that 0.01% THD is better than 0.03% THD, given equal harmonic distribution of the distortion, but you can’t prove one is audibly better since I assure you I cannot hear it.

And so, I have yet to hear evidence that any amplifier class is inherently superior all by itself. Even @atmasphere starts to get into feedback vs. non-feedback which occludes the entire discussion over amplifier classes. I might induce he’s saying feedback is more important than amplifier class. :)

I am going to state, categorically and forever that brand names are more important than amplifier class and that everyone who argues otherwise is a muggle.