Class D amps seem poised to take over. Then what?

I am certainly biased by my lifetime final amp being a Class D. But I know that after 30+ years of development, Class D seems to be on a high plain. I know there are now many, many companies focusing on Class D and, maybe, a good handful already as good as it gets. My Class D amp is as smooth and beautifully musical as a great tube amp and as punchy and detailed as a great SS amp. I am satisfied and done with my search. A class D amp has effectively taken me off the amp merry-go-round. It’s about time after 50 years. And, for me, this Class D is a milestone. Will all other classes of amps fade away?
Hello....Can I simply inquire as to whether the new age of Class D amps are fostering that feeling of warmth and body that one gets from Tube or Solid State amps? As I get more seasoned I find that body and warmth all the seriously convincing and habit-forming though in those days I adored detail and tidiness regardless of anything else.
I use almost all types of amplifiers and class D can sound great if implemented properly. I do at times use a tube preamplifier with class D you get that warmth and lite from within quality that tubes do so well with the low noise massive dynamics and great bass drive that class D amps can produce. 

Can I simply inquire as to whether the new age of Class D amps are fostering that feeling of warmth and body that one gets from Tube or Solid State amps?
@briggtrim If the class D amp is designed properly, yes, it will sound smooth with warmth and body like a tube amp, something a conventional solid state amp (IME) cannot do.
You can certainly get plenty of body and warmth out of SS amps.It may not be typical for the breed but SS amps like that are not hard to find.Most of the Nelson Pass amps,Audio Flight,Electrocompaniet,Usher,Sugden,Dartzeel and
 many more.And Bakoons which are really special and seem to combine the very best traits of SETs and class A SS.
If you combine a DHT preamp and a transparent SS amp you are most of the way towards a very good tube like sound.
If you combine a DHT preamp and a transparent SS amp you are most of the way towards a very good tube like sound. 

I've never owned a DHT tube preamp, but with the octal preamp and solid state amp I'm using now I tend to agree.