Speakers for triode tube amps

I have a Luxman CL 38u SE tube preamp and matching MQ 88 SE Triode tube amp rated at 25 wpc. I m using ProAc Anniversary Tablets at the moment and I’m wondering how I can upgrade to a speaker that can be driven with 25 Triode watts. Any recommendations on a high quality 8 ohm speaker that is easy to drive?  I know Wilson Tune Tots are out of the question (impedance/ sensitivity issues- they were my first choice.  Not interested in horn loaded speakers.  I Love the Harbeth P3 but I already own a pair of 40.1s in my main system. Any suggestions??
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There is enough wiggle room in Russ69's comment that it is not unreasonable.  First, "play loud" is not defined, and it IS the primary factor in whether or not a modestly powered amp will work with a given speaker.  The other bit of hedging is "just about any" which means there are indeed some speakers excluded.

I listen at modest levels.  All three of the amps I own are adequate, in terms of power output, and the highest rated output is the parallel single-ended amp rated at a whopping 6.5 watts/channel.  I have heard this amp used on much less efficient speakers than I own (my speakers are around 99 db/w efficient), so I know it has plenty of power for my purposes. 

Even at less than quiet listening levels, and even with low efficiency speakers,  peaks that would challenge a 25 watt amp represent only a small fraction of time.  Whether or not the compression or distortion at these peaks are so unacceptable that the amp is disqualified is a personal matter.  I would live with occasional problems at extreme peaks if I otherwise liked the sound, others might not. 

A 25 watt tube amp, particularly one with a higher output impedance, might not be the best choice for listening at even modest levels with some speakers, so there might be an increased probability of incompatibility.  But, matching an amp to a speaker involves so much more than having adequate output, decent damping factor (low enough output impedance), etc.  There is no way to really know until the combination is actually tried.  The Original Poster mentions having Harbeth 40.1s, which, from hearing it with around six or so different amps, I think it is a challenging speaker.  But, interestingly, it happened to sound best, to me, with two amps that had lower output than 25 watts, while the 100 and 200 watt amps did not sound as good.  Yes, both of the lower powered amps compressed a little at high volume peaks, but, for the vast majority of the time, they sounded terrific.  
The question is what "will get the job done" even means.  Yes, it will make sound but it was so spectacularly uninformed and shows a real lack of experience witnessing amp/speaker synergies that I just bit my tongue at the time he posted that comment.  
If you are a fan of the Harbeth P3, I think you will like the Falcon version of the LS3/5A.  I have heard it, the original BBC 15 ohm Rogers LS3/5A, the P3 and the ProAc Tablette in the same system.  I like all of these speakers, but, I slightly prefer the sound of the old Rogers and the Falcon (warmer and better midrange than the other two).  I know both are quite inefficient, but, they are an easy 15 ohm load and I heard them with low-powered amps; in fact, in one comparison session, the Synthesis Roma 96 amp was used and it is rated at 25 watts/channel.  If a small monitor is in your plans, the Falcon is something to consider.  

Another reasonably priced, very efficient speaker to consider is the Rethm Bhaava.  This speaker has a built in powered woofer, so your amp will only be required to driver the very efficient main driver.  This is a quite lively sounding system that is a nice change from the sound of the Harbeth 40.1s.  
@larryi2  In the day, Magnepans were marketed with either a D-76 or D-76A when it came out, or bi-amped with D-51's and D-76 amps.  

Yes, the more power the better with Maggies.  I realize there are many lower-power tube amps and no, Maggies do NOT perform at their best at higher volume with ANY lower-powered amp.

If I misunderstood the OP's post, I am sorry. So, for clarification, IF you want to pair good tube amps with Maggies, be sure you have the most power you can afford.
