I ove this speakers , on my set up they sound really very dynamic and easy to listen. Is there anyway to replace their tweeters to improve them? I do love the design of the impact.Thanks
Onhwy61, this Speakers impact monitors can only handle 125 w I think. Iam using 150w mono blocks with Krell preamp , And Marantz sa10, this set up powered my Andra no sweat. My suspicions the tweeters blow up when Iam playing sacd suite espagnola by Fruhbeck de Burgos, playing Asturias , I push the volume a bit more, I underestimated the power of my Tsakadiris monos and overestimated the impact cabality.
Missioncoonery , Iam with you , no threatening needs to remove the post , just report it.Audiogon is very clear on this.
No need to defend MC or EA, they seem to be very good at it on their own. For better or worse.
The way it was explained to me is that any amp can be pushed to clip, or into distortion. No matter how powerful the amp, or the capacity the speakers. Many variables to the music, current coming from the amps and a drivers resistance interact. My boss once demonstrated to me. Using an unboxed driver with an oscilloscope in the mix he showed me how when you push an amp to clip or distort the normally smooth up and down wave of whatever frequency is coming through turns to square wave. Essentially the voice coil goes from a up and down piston movement to a side to side or round and round. in turn the voice coil of the driver begins hitting the sides of the magnet structure and will short and sever the VC. He made a good living repairing drivers of all kinds, Foam surrounds that rotted, ripped cones, blown voice coils etc... Massive pro drivers from EV, Renkis Heins, JBL etc.. As well as for home audio. 
For me, and again this is for me, (as I don't care to get any scalding from folks), i live by nothing above 12 o:clock on my volume.
For what its worth.
It wasn't till it was obvious it was going very bad for the owner of this company that site moderators jumped in and deleted the entire post.

For sure.  In a panic the Bat Signal was activated, nukes were deployed, and the thread was vaporized.  Mission accomplished?
