What is wrong with my system?

Hi everyone -

I’m posting here because individually I think my components are all good, but together my system is not making music, rather is is making bright bass less noise. Honestly, I’m thinking it’s no one component, but the matching of components that is causing this issue. I would like to get everyone’s opinion as to what I’m hearing. My components are as follows:

B&W 802D (first generation diamond)
Audioquest bi-wired Indigo speaker cables

Classe CAM-200 monoblock amplifiers
Audioquest Water XLR interconnect

Bryston BP26 preamp
Audioquest Water XLR interconnect

Mark Levinson 5100 cd player (PCM slow minimum phase)

thanks in advance.

Mark Levinson 5100 CD player

A pair of Ohm Walsh speakers in place of the B&Ws might do the job. They did in my case replacing a pair of B&Ws about a dozen years back. 
Someone ran a test, forget who...concerning a coiled speaker cable...there was no discernible sound difference between a coiled or uncoiled  speaker cable. My left speaker cable is coiled, my right is not. Sounds fine. 
Post removed 
Someone ran a test, forget who...concerning a coiled speaker cable...there was no discernible sound difference between a coiled or uncoiled speaker cable. My left speaker cable is coiled, my right is not. Sounds fine.
Sounds like that someone was you.   

If you have enough speaker cable to coil then trust me, it is not speaker cable. It is wire. Off a reel.  

If it sounds fine to you, wonderful. You can save a tremendous amount of money. We should all be so lucky.