Esoteric Master Clock

Hello to all,

I'm new here and this is my first post. I've read older posts on this subject so I am interested in knowing if time has put things in perspective.
I own an Esoteric K-07Xs CDP and am considering adding a G-02x Master Clock to it; it's a considerable expense so I would love to know the impressions of those who have made the purchase. I am aware of all the possible caveats - the diminishing returns, the idea that a very special 50 ohm cable might be needed, the suggestion to spend the money on another amp or speakers or music, etc. - but what I am really interested in here are the opinions of those who are fully satisfied and why, as well as the objections of those who are not.

Thanks for any useful contribution,

thanks but I hoped I had left this kind of comments on a British forum..

I am old enough to have learned how to manage my itches.

Hi Martin! I have an Esoteric too, K-03XD. I'm considering to add the same clock as you. Tomorrow I'll hear a demo in a shop between K-07XS and the G-02X clock. I will tell you :)
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laltik, ramon74,

thanks for your somehow antipodal replies…
I look forward to reading more.
A good day to all,

