your last post hit the nail on the head. There are too many of these small company’s using the purchasers CC payment way before the item ships, to finance their company. In essence, they are getting an interest free loan using YOUR money and making you wait for the product, sometimes months later. That is a bad way to do business and there should be laws against that.
That practice tells me the company is operating on a shoestring and my not be around that long. Here is another side:
When I bought an Odyssey Stratos amp from Klaus @ Odyssey Audio, I gave them my CC info when I placed the order over the phone. It took a little over 3 months for my amp to be built and shipped. My CC was not charged. Two weeks after receiving the amp, I noticed my CC still hadn’t been charged. I called Klaus and reminded him to bill me for the amp and was told that he wanted to be sure I loved the amp first. Two weeks later (a month after I received the amp), I received the CC Bill. That was really over the top but a great way to buy something. Needless to say I purchased more from Odyssey and was pleased every time.
your last post hit the nail on the head. There are too many of these small company’s using the purchasers CC payment way before the item ships, to finance their company. In essence, they are getting an interest free loan using YOUR money and making you wait for the product, sometimes months later. That is a bad way to do business and there should be laws against that.
That practice tells me the company is operating on a shoestring and my not be around that long. Here is another side:
When I bought an Odyssey Stratos amp from Klaus @ Odyssey Audio, I gave them my CC info when I placed the order over the phone. It took a little over 3 months for my amp to be built and shipped. My CC was not charged. Two weeks after receiving the amp, I noticed my CC still hadn’t been charged. I called Klaus and reminded him to bill me for the amp and was told that he wanted to be sure I loved the amp first. Two weeks later (a month after I received the amp), I received the CC Bill. That was really over the top but a great way to buy something. Needless to say I purchased more from Odyssey and was pleased every time.