How important is it to have identical speaker cable length?

I have a situation where my speakers are different distances from my amp. Would it be wrong to pair a 3-meter cable to one speaker and a 2-meter cable to the other or is it really just a theoretical issue? Many thanks in advance for your thoughts!

I’ve always used the same length. The draw back is one cable may have to be coiled, the one nearest to your components or rack. Alternatively, the cable could be looped I suppose. However, I do not detect any detrimental effect on the sound by coiling. I'm a perfectionist, so I am compelled to use the same length, whether I hear a difference or not. 
"This forum…..first answer:  absolutely no problem.   Second answer: oh my god no. Third answer: perhaps yes perhaps no.  Unbelievable."

New to the internet? ; )
"This forum…..first answer:  absolutely no problem.   Second answer: oh my god no. Third answer: perhaps yes perhaps no.  Unbelievable."

I think it depends on the education of the poster.   When I got out of college I had a EE degree in analog electronic design.  I thought I knew a lot.   Then some time later I went back and got another engineer degree when I realized there was a lot I didn't know.   Now with over 40 years of analog design, I have come to the conclusion that the more you know, the more you realize how much you don't know.

I do agree with the same length concept.   Even if you don't sell them later, odds are you will change your system and have useless cables.
