Solid state - How wide can 3D image go

Hi All,

I know my rig is able to deliver 3D image however Because when I use my Philips CD player (CD 850MKII) I am able to get great  and wide 3D image even when using the CD player has a transport.

However when using the streaming part I am not able to get a 3D images has good has in the CD player. In streaming, Does anyone know what is the key factor to increase the 3D image?

Many thanks

Sounds like the Philips machine is getting more info from the source. Or it's adding something to give the effect of a big soundstage.
Post removed 

My LAN setup is still in evolution. Do you know if changing the power supply at the router level improves the sound imaging?

what I can say is that using the Philips CD player (has a CD or Transport) I get a huge sound stage. If I then change to a Sony CDP-997 (has a CD or transport) it does not give me that big of a sound stage.

I suspect you have identified your problem. The Sony, which appears to be vintage(?), has a poor or out of spec clocking system, and is creating a lot of jitter in the signal sent to the DAC. I plugged in my old Nakamichi CD player a few years ago to see how it sounded, unlistenable compared to the streamer I had in place. There could of course be other factors influencing the digital output of the Sony, but just letting you know what I have found experimenting with various digital sources running to the same DAC. 

Hi Zione29,

Both CD players are considered vintages, however both I have had them serviced by recently.

The Sony unit plays very well, it just can’t compete with the Philips in terms of 3D image and sound stage.

I’m terms of increasing the 3D image and sound stage on the streaming side, what did you do?