Power cord supplied with Luxman L-509X Integrated Amp

The power cord looks really cheap for such a quality amp. A polarized 2 prong male end to plug into the wall and only 2 prongs on the amp. What can I replace this with and not be unsafe? Seems all aftermarket power cables have 3 prongs.

Go to my virtual system for pictures.
Ryder ---- "I guess you are not in the US since the power cord as shown in the photo of your System page is a 2 prong instead of 3 prong."

I am in the US.   The amp came form an authorized US dealer.

Ryder------" It is unfortunate that the forum does not provide the facility or feature to post pictures or links to videos. Otherwise it will be useful and a whole lot of fun."  

I agree 100%
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You have to buy a quality power cord to extract further from your 
audio system. The companies just give you a cable period .
pits up to you to decide which cable sounds good for you .