How long does Class A have?

Hi Guys/Gals
 I have a Sugden A21SE which is a Pure Class A single ended design, I absolutely love this musical amplifier with its strangely plentiful 30wpc, it runs hots as they do, I always enjoy watching the faces of my uninitiated friends when they touch it after I mention they get hot, lol.
But in this modern green era I wonder just how long do Class A amplifiers have before Greta Thunberg gets wind of this inefficient method of creating sound and pisses on the parade?


Threatened by a teenage girl? 
We should just sit back and do nothing I suppose…

You’re an idiot.

As my amps run on 230v I guess they draw 1/2 the current and 1/2 the power?
If your amp can run on 230V or 115V, it will consume the same amount of power on 230V or 115V. 
P = V x I
That's why switch to 230V mains will draw 1/2 the current of 115V mains,  and you need to install correct rating fuse accordingly for proper protection!


How long does Class A have? Until the price of delivering electricity sky-rockets, where is Tesla's free energy when you need it?
Oh, and I guess I shouldn't bother building the DIY Audio VFet class A amp I have sitting here waiting to be assembled...