I ove this speakers , on my set up they sound really very dynamic and easy to listen. Is there anyway to replace their tweeters to improve them? I do love the design of the impact.Thanks
You should direct your inquiry to the moderators. My observation is that they don’t like to "babysit" a thread. When one becomes problematic, they’ll often delete or close it.


Hooey, the OPs delete 99% of the threads.. You guys got the moderators ALL wrong..

People delete their own post and cry the victim all the time.

People hit the report button and (Software) deletes the post. I’m not sure if active scanning is done by the software but the auto deletion looks and sees certain things, AND BAMB it gone, the sender get a notice and UNLESS you protest to a live human (Tammy) you won’t get it reinstated.

Whole Threads are removed by moderators because of revenue loss to the person or company being talked about.. I’d delete the CRAP too.

State your case don’t tell people NOT to buy something, I’d band people in a heart beat for that kind of product bashing I’ve seen HERE..

Name calling, calling OTHER people shills, and frauds. One warning is all they would get and By By..

The saviors of the world. Even when they don’t want to be saved (Master M)

Post removed 
Pretty much like everyone else here, MC posts his positive preference to his speakers of choice (common). From comments I have read, it is his frequency and excitement for them which has ruffled some feathers.

No, what ruffles the feathers is Chuck's derision and condescension towards anyone who suggests that there are alternatives to his setup that may sound just as good or better (on this forum, anyway, I'm sure he's a nice guy in person).  Most of Chuck's posts are intended to be abrasive.  He enjoys being that guy for some reason.  I wish he would drop that act.  These forums would be a more friendly and useful place if he did.

His enthusiasm for the products he owns would still elicit calls of shill, though, but that would be a shortcoming of his critics.
Agreed @tomcy6 and +1!

I don't believe MC is a shill either and I think his motivations are driven more by a combination of ideology, insecurity, and pure recreational enjoyment of trying to be viewed as "the smartest guy in the room" often by bullying tactics. So why does MC promote just a handful of brands over and over. If you notice there's a pattern in these brands:

1) All made in the USA
2) All small-sized in ownership, typically one-man shops with perhaps a skeletal additional support staff.
3) Products that are priced at the lower tier yet still considered hifi, high-end.
4) The products often do punch slightly above their price and arguably perform better than some over-priced gear.
5) MC often jumps on the bandwagon supporting these products WITHOUT ever hearing them! He obviously supports the construct described above on it's face with some supplementation of reviews he's read.

So what have I synthesized from the above? I think MC is on a bit of a Crusade. I don't think he actually is a shill or receives any kickback from anyone. I think he approaches this as almost a religious pursuit - pouring himself into the support of tiny US-based operations that are priced on the affordable end of hifi and trying to prove that everyone else is wasting their money on much higher priced gear - partly due perhaps to his own inability to afford the higher priced stuff himself but also on his own definition of a value proposition and how humans should be allocating capital. So he paints this narrative that everyone else is getting ripped off to make himself feel better about the gear he has selected while also supporting HIS view of what America is all about. Sadly it disenfranchises everyone who doesn't fit his mold of the proper way to pursue this hobby.

It’s the persistence of buy Economical and or cheap then hocus-pocus all to the highest level. Then of course one has to train your hearing to accept the Myth  

Cheers all…