What's wrong with a DVD player as a transport?

Just wondering if there is some technical reason a dvd player won't perform as well as a cd player? Also why would a changer not perform as well as a single disc player? Please answer with technical reasons. Thank You
Whites - I usually run a full diagnostic and check the modes now. You may have been an early customer, prior to when I started doing this.

Steve N.
I have owned the Pioneer '09 and the Sony 7700. I have the Audiomeca Enkainthus as my dac. I tried both of these as transports,only,against my Theta Data3. The main difference is in the low end of the music.It is noticable;it just ain't there--no matter what the rags say.
The main reason is the laser p/u and clock! Dedicated laser p/u and clocks for audio redbook and dvd video are spec'd differently. So though the drawer mechanism of a dvd player can be as sturdy (if not sturdier) the circuit was made to read video data not audio.

As for single disc vs. changer, just think simple is better. However, even a cd changer outperforms a single disc dvd player as a redbook transport.