Hi, all: I am in East Texas. My husband has so much equipment I can’t even spreadsheet it all. He is now in a nursing home with dementia and will not be coming home. I want to sell all the equipment, and am a motivated seller. Some of the brands: Marantz, Bryston, Linn Klout, Linn Kairn, Linn Magic, Linn Keil, Parasound, Theil, Klipsch, Polk Audio, Cambridge, Audio Research. Then lower end stuff like Sony, Yamaha, Onkyo, Teac, etc. Miles of cables/interconnects (Audio Magic, Audio Quest, Toslink, and others -- hard to inventory. Best ones are not on this list because they are behind equipment.) Lots of power wedges. DACs, power conditioners, and misc. other stuff like racks.
Sorry to read about your husband's battle with dementia. My dad had it and I can completely sympathize with what you are going through. 

It is completely understandable to just want it all gone but I would suggest taking a bit of time to sell some of the pieces cited. Some items can have a bit more value than you may think. The Marantz, Bryston, Linn, Parasound, Theil could be of interest to the right buyers.

What might be a good idea is to contact a dealer who specializes in this type of equipment. Having a list of items and pictures would help. Vist the following dealers web sites and give them a call.  Ask to speak with a buyer and let them know your desire to sell. They can guide you from there. I have worked with TMR and have found them to be fair in my personal dealings with them.

I would be interested in some of the Amps, power conditioners, and cables.  I am also in East Teaxas, so willing to take a drive.
bastereo, you offer some good advice to perceptive men here; stop sandbagging the wife/significant other with your obsession. I’m sorry you have to go through this, especially when your husband is in need.

This site also operates as a sales portal, and a very good one at that. Despite the gripes, most men here will continue to sell here. There is another very good site I have used, USA Audio Mart.

You do not seem pressed for time, i.e. moving, so why not take out Ads here for the items. You will do MUCH, MUCH better doing so than selling to some liquidator or estate sale company! You can get a Blue Book value on things from Audiogon, too. I do not use it, but I know others have, and it would give you an instant idea of the value of all your items.

I would suggest that you demand pick up of items. Beware men who would show up with a cash payment and try to twist your arm for a lower price. If you have a son or other family representative who could do the dealing, that might be helpful.

Doing a proper deal here might also protect you further in regard to the payment for items. You may even wish to contact the staff here at Audiogon for ideas/help. I strongly suggest that you do not just dump it all in a pique of frustration. That could be very costly.

You also might be able to get help from members of an Audio Society that may be in your region.

I hope some of this is helpful to you. I wish you blessings as you transition to this challenging time.
Blessings, grace and peace. List here on Audiogon for local pickup only.

Hope this works out well for you and yours.
I know a guy in Fort Worth who resells items such as this.  I know he has sold items for Marvin’s Electronics after they closed. If you would like his name, then contact me. I hope the proceeds go to your husband’s care. It would be fitting.