Harbeth Compact 7 or Merlin TSM

I am in the market to buy a pair of large bookshelf speakers. Instead of looking for a 'Hi-Fi' speaker that give you all of the descriptions that you will find in the audio review magazines or websites, I am looking for a pair of musical speakers that will get my 'emotion' involve when I listen to them. I have narrow down to 2 pair of speakers that I believed are capable of achieving that based on the owner reviews and experience I read.

So, I am looking for anybody have experiences with both of them and share some of your opinions with me.

macd, what version of the vsm did you own? earlier versions sounded somewhat raw and as time passed their musical nature was profoundly enhanced. the tsm is a lot more forgiving than the vsm and latest tsms are renouned for their easy listening character.
i would not recommend anything earlier than the mme if musicality is important to you.
The sonic characteristics of both are well docemented in the discussion
here on agon already. It is a personal judgement call in regard to which
will sound more "musical".

Merlin would be my choice for transparency and detail and overall
versatility. Harbeth could be fun and more distinctive sounding
compared to most good modern designs.
Thanks everybody for your inputs.

MACD: One of my friends used to have a pair of original Harbeth Compact 7and he used a SE300B amp to driver them. From distant memory, the sound was warm and very musical. I still remembered every time when I visit him, I always wanted him to play some music for me. His living room is about the size of my currently listening room.

Bobby: My budget is to look for a pair of used (either brand) in the mid $2k range. It seems like the VSM is better fit my need as they are more sensitive then the TSM. Too bad they are out of my budget.

Also, what is the main difference between the new Master series with the MMr series?

I agree with Palkovic. I owned an earlier version of TSM than the "mme" and it was clinical, analytical and "hifi"...all things I hate in a loudspeaker. Get the Harbeth...no contest. You'll never look back.