Well thanks again for everyone’s concern. I’m better off than most.
Happier than most and blessed in spite of my own self.. LOL
I can report the sun came up and it is HOT, 104 degrees (F) in the shade on a dead lawn. :-)
Supplies are still in short supply and prices are NOT going down. They are stable, at this time.
My only real issue is the SS thing.. They closed all offices May of 2020, and haven't been opened to the public sense. THAT is the real ticker for me. Not that it effect me so much but that they are ALL being paid to still come to work..
You would think they would be very fast with less than 1 in 1000 being let in the front door. Just people with NO SS numbers are allowed appointments.. So why is it taking so long to get things done. I'm at 10 months and waiting.. It's really time to flush that toilet. I want to know why offices designed solely for PUBLIC access to Social Security workers is closed. I MEAN NOT WORKING!!! They are inside the building but NOT greeting customers, with a big smile and "what can I do for you"?
Time to picket the joint and get a news agency or two down there to ask WHY people are in an office but NOT greeting customers.. 50 years I paid the PIG... :-) Master M..
Good to hear from zapaemi, welcome to AG.
jond, 100% on the healthcare issue
Master M always good to hear from you. Still tinkering away? A kindred spirit indeed. It’s humbling to know such people.
With great respect and regard to all.
I bit you adieu.
Happier than most and blessed in spite of my own self.. LOL
I can report the sun came up and it is HOT, 104 degrees (F) in the shade on a dead lawn. :-)
Supplies are still in short supply and prices are NOT going down. They are stable, at this time.
My only real issue is the SS thing.. They closed all offices May of 2020, and haven't been opened to the public sense. THAT is the real ticker for me. Not that it effect me so much but that they are ALL being paid to still come to work..
You would think they would be very fast with less than 1 in 1000 being let in the front door. Just people with NO SS numbers are allowed appointments.. So why is it taking so long to get things done. I'm at 10 months and waiting.. It's really time to flush that toilet. I want to know why offices designed solely for PUBLIC access to Social Security workers is closed. I MEAN NOT WORKING!!! They are inside the building but NOT greeting customers, with a big smile and "what can I do for you"?
Time to picket the joint and get a news agency or two down there to ask WHY people are in an office but NOT greeting customers.. 50 years I paid the PIG... :-) Master M..
Good to hear from zapaemi, welcome to AG.
jond, 100% on the healthcare issue
Master M always good to hear from you. Still tinkering away? A kindred spirit indeed. It’s humbling to know such people.
With great respect and regard to all.
I bit you adieu.