Speakers for triode tube amps

I have a Luxman CL 38u SE tube preamp and matching MQ 88 SE Triode tube amp rated at 25 wpc. I m using ProAc Anniversary Tablets at the moment and I’m wondering how I can upgrade to a speaker that can be driven with 25 Triode watts. Any recommendations on a high quality 8 ohm speaker that is easy to drive?  I know Wilson Tune Tots are out of the question (impedance/ sensitivity issues- they were my first choice.  Not interested in horn loaded speakers.  I Love the Harbeth P3 but I already own a pair of 40.1s in my main system. Any suggestions??
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"It’s not simply a case of choosing a speaker with a high efficiency rating. You need to choose a speaker with a very benign impedance curve. IOW, don’t buy anything with multiple drivers. The more drivers, the less appropriate the speaker is for tube amplification."

In general that advice has some merit but not as a blanket statement.
I was able to drive a friend’s Tekton Double Impact quite effortlessly with my 8 watt SET amplifier. The speakers are a nominal 4 ohm load and I suspect that the impedance curve is pretty flat and avoids steep and challenging phase angles.

I agree with @searchingforthesound, Tekton is a solid value/sounding speaker. It is not junk nor in my opinion is it a world beater. At their cost point they are very competent and competitive. My friend subsequently replaced his Double Impacts with Omega Audio speakers (Ironically a single driver speaker) which he feels sound better. But my point is the multi-driver Tekton was not a hindrance for low power tube amplifiers. Horses for courses.

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don’t buy anything with multiple drivers. The more drivers, the less appropriate the speaker is for tube amplification."





I ran my RMx Elixirs (under 9 pairs left on earth) 93 or 5% efficient speakers. At just 8 watts VERY close to this set up.. Just a better analog set up for me. I've seen this set up several times CES was my first to see TA newest gear.. Been a while..

I borrowed the SET amps from a buddy, I almost pulled the trigger and ordered a pair.. I held out and was over joyed when I found and modded a Cary V12r just for planar work.. The manufacture use to say EL34s are made for HIS speakers.. He was 100% right..

I've never heard anything like it.. Multi driver, WEIRD configuration, mind-boggling results.. Otari MTR-12 and a Minahan TT. (12 to 15 built)

Weird STUFF, weird people... Just like me...

Multi drivers, nothing better..

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If you are looking at using a triode tube amp, you might want to read this article- it will help you sort out what you are looking for:http://www.atma-sphere.com/en/resources-paradigms-in-amplifier-design.html
FWIW most of the speakers mentioned on this thread are of the Power Paradigm persuasion.

Apparently the Spatial is an excellent recommendation- its well priced and easy with triode amps.