I used a VPI HW16.5 for years, using VPI’s cleaning solution when I did. The records were spotless afterwards but I don’t think it actually improved the sound. It did add a static charge frequently, so I kept a Zerostat close by.
Now I use an AudioDesk Pro X machine with distilled water and a bottle of AD’s surfactant. It eliminates more surface noise than the VPI ever did with no static buildup. In addition to the ultrasonic cleaning, it has 4 microfiber brushes that brush the record with the cleaning agent. The brushes may also help circulate the fluid because I’ve had some lengthy cleaning sessions with no overheating. It’s easy and convenient to use, takes about 5 minutes to clean and dry a record and is much quieter than the VPI. The cleaning time is adjustable. All of my records have gone through cleaning and occasionally I’ll clean a record a second time. That’s over 1000 cleanings so far without an issue.
The records are stored in poly liner sleeves like I’ve used for the past 50 years, no issues with these liners. I mark the inside edge of the jacket opening with a set of faint lines to indicate how many US cleanings the record has had and the duration.
Now when I pull a record from its jacket it just needs a couple rotations on the platter with a Hunt EDA brush before play.
Occasional stylus cleaning is done with an Onzow and Lyra SPT Stylus Treatment.
The AudioDesk is expensive but if you have a lot of records I think it’s worth it.