PrimaLuna Evo 200 underwhelming

Hi all, I wonder if someone can help or advise. I bought an ex. Display Primaluna Evo 200 a couple of weeks ago, mainly based on all the rave reviews and excellent comments on various forums. I must say, that vocals are terrific but overall, the sound seems muffled. There seems to be a hole where the mid range detail should be. I have tried the 4 and 8 ohm settings and there doesn’t seem a great deal of difference. I am using it with a Linn Genki CD player and Robson Acoustics Opulus speakers, also Vintage Tannoy Mercury speakers. I haven’t messed with the tubes because I have no idea how to do that. I so want this amplifier to sound beautiful but there is something missing. Can anyone help please?
Which tubes are you running right now? The issue may be synergy with your speakers which are 86dB and dip down as low as 5 ohms - not an ideal match on paper with EL34 amp.  You may want to try a fresh set of power tubes (I'd go for EL34's as I know the amp accommodates  6L6G, 6L6GC, 7581A, EL34, EL37, 6550, KT66, KT77, KT88, KT90, KT120, and KT150.)
I bought an ex. Display Primaluna Evo 200 a couple of weeks ago, mainly based on all the rave reviews and excellent comments on various forums.
Since it's couple of weeks old, I assume its already well broken-in. If you don't like the sound of this amp in your system, my suggestion is sell it and move on, synergy is the key! Not all amps can match well with all speakers and your tastes...
Agree with 3 Easy….I don’t know your speakers but looking at the manufacturers website I’m guessing a  hi powered solid-state amp would probably work best.