Townshend Springs under Speakers

I was very interested, especially with all the talk.   I brought the subject up on the Vandersteen forum site, and Richard Vandersteen himself weighed in.   As with everything, nothing is perfect in all circumstances.  If the floor is wobbly, springs can work, if the speaker is on solid ground, 3 spikes is preferred.
do me a favor and put me on your list of 18, 18 thousand…whatever you are up to now…..
also, for the earnest on the thread, the competing product I mentioned  Bedrock is a very narrow market specialized ( and optimized for load / vibration for speaker by Vandersteen speaker  ) for Vandersteen speakers only. They are not intended for X, Y, Z brand…just like the purpose built M5 and M7 amplifiers..

I think Stringreen should cast a wide net. He strikes me as a music lover seeking to increase his enjoyment and emotional connection to the music.


"Isolation below speakers works from my experience...but it greatly varies from speaker to speaker and from room to room."

Can’t argue with that.

In my experience, isolation makes considerably less difference with concrete floors.

The size, and especially weight, of the speakers must also be factors to be considered.

Perhaps most importantly, there’s also cabinet construction to take into account. As far as I’m aware, no manufacturer has given this issue as much thought as Harbeth have. As they admit, they are merely following the decades old BBC research into cabinet construction.

The BBCs conclusions were that low frequencies are better dealt with by pushing them below the threshold of hearing (some 20dB below if I remember correctly) than attempting to suppress by sheer mass and rigidity.

Hence Harbeths lossy cabinets are almost in direct opposition of everyone else’s.
Well...yall see thats where Harbeth differ, they are audio engineers who have adapted a highly successful and time proven design principle and applied those principles into a highly effective speaker design...

They haven’t merely chucked a bucket load of cheap third world quality Tat shack speakers at a 2 mill thick monkey coffin.. Rock on