I would agree that some digital players can present a different sonic character compared to the Esoteric UX-3, but that does NOT necessarily means they would sound better to all consumers.
When it comes to a digital player, some of the most important things are enclosure built quality (to reduce vibrations), power supply, clocking and MOST important - the digital transport inside.
Nothing in current existence comes even remotely close to the Esoteric's VRDS-NEO transports. What they have done is a TRUE piece of mechanical ART. It is 5 times bigger and 20 times heavier than any conventional transport (read disc spinning mechanism), there are no vibrations whatsoever and the entire design ensures the best possible/achievable error-free disc reading. Esoterics VRDS-NEO is simply light years ahead compared to anything else.
When it comes to a digital player, some of the most important things are enclosure built quality (to reduce vibrations), power supply, clocking and MOST important - the digital transport inside.
Nothing in current existence comes even remotely close to the Esoteric's VRDS-NEO transports. What they have done is a TRUE piece of mechanical ART. It is 5 times bigger and 20 times heavier than any conventional transport (read disc spinning mechanism), there are no vibrations whatsoever and the entire design ensures the best possible/achievable error-free disc reading. Esoterics VRDS-NEO is simply light years ahead compared to anything else.