Listening Descriptor Chart


This chart shows common descriptions used on audio forums and how they relate to the full audio frequency spectrum. Miles Astor posted this elsewhere and I thought you might find it helpful.

Someone suggested overlaying it with the frequency ranges of common instruments, which would be pretty cool. 

It's funny but not surprising that many of the descriptors refer to issues to grab with, not successes. These phrases cost us money ;-)  Cheers,
No millercarbon post is complete without the gratuitous dig. I mentioned listener development in the beginning. Two times recently I tried to initiate a serious discussion. Both times wrecked by the usual thread-wreckers. Imagine where we could be if these jackovs would just keep to themselves. We could just maybe climb up above the first rung of the ladder.

Oh, my.
Playing the victim again I see.
For those unfamiliar with miller's recent thread, things were going along smoothly until he, going off topic, spit out a libelous accusation towards not one, but several members in good standing on this forum. When the accused members defended themselves with the truth and asked him to explain his accusation, he abandoned his own thread, never to be heard again. Pity he must be this way. He has much to contribute. But, he is who he is. I shall say no more of this, as I do not wish to have a fine thread go off topic.
That is very cool.
He should sell that as a poster to reference when your comparing a speaker you are interested in.