How long does Class A have?

Hi Guys/Gals
 I have a Sugden A21SE which is a Pure Class A single ended design, I absolutely love this musical amplifier with its strangely plentiful 30wpc, it runs hots as they do, I always enjoy watching the faces of my uninitiated friends when they touch it after I mention they get hot, lol.
But in this modern green era I wonder just how long do Class A amplifiers have before Greta Thunberg gets wind of this inefficient method of creating sound and pisses on the parade?

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It is clear that folks love their Class A amps and are willing to pay what ever price to keep them, nothing wrong with that.
Greta's father works for the United Nations who works for no one. They are promoting the idea that global warming is real and needs to be addressed immediately when in fact the Earth has naturally gone through cooling and warming trends over thousands of years. They want to take away fossil fuels (which they blame on global warming) and turn us back to the stone age. They kept from us green energy (free energy) that would of made a difference in many peoples lives. Finally and more importantly they want to do a carbon tax on fossil fuels which stands to make them billions of dollars. Just my opinion.
Facebook and Twitter are NOT media companies like newspapers.

They are like newspapers if they make editorial decisions. They aren’t platforms like Verizon or at&t, those two don’t make editorial decisions, you can spread all the disinformation you want on those two platforms. So why should these tech giants get to hide behind the we are a platform when they aren’t  just a platform anymore.

"There is something respectable to reacting well to banter. It is intentionally harmless teasing behavior meant to bait our universal base instincts to be vengefully forceful, bitterly victimized, or helplessly passive. Sometimes we are able to control these emotional feedback loops or even manage to be cleverly playful. When that happens, we are signaling to ourselves and others the degree of dignity or good attitude we are capable of when experiencing demanding cooperative environments. Those signals foster better relationships in societies with harsh living conditions, brutal professional environments, demanding personal relationships, and hard conversations to find the truth."

So, having concern for the environment and your fellow human beings makes you a commie? Nice. "Comrade" is such a dumb insult. Ignorance and arrogance are a bad combination of personality defects. Insults like this are usually thrown out by people who have had zero experience in the world.

Desalination of the oceans is happening. When that passes a certain point, the gulf stream will change its path having a rather dramatic outcome on the climate patterns globally.

For the past several years, the storms hitting the US have been getting more intense. Indeed, they have been getting more intense globally. Temperatures are alternating between hotter than on record and colder than on record.

There was a time when excellence was looked upon as a positive thing. Not any more. The disenfranchised have turned the ones who have pursed excellence in a given field as being the Elite - Comrads...

If you knew anything about Communism, you would realize there is no elite, just the herd. Guess that makes you the "Comrade", huh? 

The disenfranchised naysayers are responding to the world in the same way Isis is reacting to it. And they are being recruited by those who seek to exploit their disenfranchisement in the same manner to help spew disinformation in order to seek out more disenfranchised for the "cause"