
Dear friends I am interested to upgrade my caps in the tube preamp from Audio theta tin foil 3uf200VDC to Miflex1uf 240VDC copper foil what are your thoughts will reducing the value to 1uf affect the bass and frequency response or should I go with a higher value than 3uf  
Let’s all just enjoy what we have found that works for our ears and music. No need to argue. I am happy for Raul.  He has found what works for him and that is great.  I tried Wima based on his experiences and did not like them. I did try them however in a crossover as I am always open to learning.  Enjoy Raul and my fellow DIYers.  Have fun!
Dear @grannyring :  ""    what we have found that works for our ears and music. No need to argue. I am happy for Raul.  He has found what works for him and that is great...""

Well, one thing is that works for your ears and other way different that works too for MUSIC as comes in the recording. As in my thread you never posted and post true evidence/facts/measures for your " wonderful " caps that even in its manufacturer sites exist nothing that works as real foundation for your words.

Do you think that the Lamm owners are unhappy with their electronics? certainly not because in the Agon ads under preamps are around 200 units and no single Lamm.

Btw, in this overall cap subject is unimportant what we like it but what should be or must be:


Obviously that you have a way different target. That's my main target and you know what: when you are near to achieve it not only you will like what you are listening but you will fall in love with because for the first time in your room/system you are truly listening to MUSIC not a colored/degraded presentation.

Of course that even that some day we can achieve that target we will stay still away from a Live MUSIC reference.

""  I am happy for Raul. "" come on. Other gentleman acuse me to be condescendent, I'm not  and I want to let you now that sincerely I'm sad for you but more for MUSIC reproduction in your room/system with that: "   works for our ears ..". 

Seems to me that unfortunated the real characteristics of MUSIC listen it at near field position are almost unknow for you or have a misunderstood about.

Anyway, my point is to help the OP ( as always. ) not if you agree or not. He has the rigth to read/know a different approach in favor of MUSIC.An approach that unfortunate goes against all of your opinions, that's unanimous .

Regards and enjoy the MUSIC NOT DISTORTIONS,

So if a listener actually compared the Duelund CAST, VH ODAM  and Wima capacitors and having heard them (In his components/audio system) found the Wima the least impressive he is wrong and misguided?

Wima is the only correct choice ? The other two capacitors are merely flawed, inferior, colored and distorted? It is totally irrelevant if the listener prefers the sound quality of the CAST or ODAM ? This preference is simply borne out of ignorance and lack of understanding? Yet this attitude is not condescending? Okay I get it. Someone needs access to a dictionary.

@pauly you had it right. So much for my extending "benefit of the doubt".