I own a pair of the the older version of 007 phones and a Headamp Blue Hawaii SE amplifier. I considered the 009 phones, but, overall, I prefer the less bright sound of the 007 phones. I have heard the Dan Clark phones on this amp, and I like these a lot—a warmer sound (more prominent lower midrange) with a tonal quality a bit more like Audeze phones than the Stax phones.
Comfort is important. I find the Stax and Dan Clark phones to be quite comfortable. The Audeze phones are very good too, except for the added weight which can be tough on one’s neck during a long listening session.
I am now interested in the new Audeze electrostatic phone —the CRBN. It is quite expensive, but it already has a following.
Comfort is important. I find the Stax and Dan Clark phones to be quite comfortable. The Audeze phones are very good too, except for the added weight which can be tough on one’s neck during a long listening session.
I am now interested in the new Audeze electrostatic phone —the CRBN. It is quite expensive, but it already has a following.