Streamer vs. new mac mini for 2 channel system

Hi audio friends,

I LOVE the functionality of my mac mini with my 2 channel system: Exasound 62e DAC, Modwright ls100 pre, Coda continuum 8 power amp and Wilson Sabrina speakers.  Being able to navigate with mouse and keyboard from my listening position is infinitely better than using a tablet or some mickey mouse app with my phone.  

The issue is the mac mini.  Clearly this is not the best transport, however I want to use my 2 channel system for more than just streaming roon.  I listen to soundcloud a lot to learn about new music and when I watch tv I want to utilize the stereo for netflix, crave etc.  My Dac has only 1 usb in and obviously an optical + s/pdif, but the fidelity is just not as good with the other inputs.  

I almost pulled the trigger on a Lumin U1 mini, but again I do not see how this transport will improve fidelity, without limiting overall functionality.  How do I bring a new mac mini to a place where it can compete with a dedicated transport like the lumin, or is this even a reasonable suggestion?  

Looking to optimize the system in the most efficient way.
Confused - any suggestions would be much appreciated.

Take a look at the Bricasti dacs-Streamers 
they truly know their digital, used  in many mastering studios around 
the world for their realism in playback ,and having the linear 
streamer and a bunch of pre,post voltage regulation and filtering 
your getting a very clean  digital signal.
“I use this Empirical Audio Off-Ramp 5 between my laptop and DAC. It does exactly what you’re looking for. Substantial improvement - especially, with an aftermarket LPS”.

+1, @ghdprentice.
Using a Laptop or Mac for streaming is equivalent to listening Vinyl on a Crosley. And a ‘device’ to optimize streaming from a PC or Mac is like putting a lipstick on a pig.

Have at it, you will eventually see the day light!
I started with a Mac Mini. Not sure if I had a optimal setup. I bought a modest Bluesound Node 2. Even with it's mediocre onboard Dac, it just blew the Mini away. I hooked up a Ayre Codex dac to the Node2 and have never looked back, although I may look for a quality one box music server such as Lumin or Innuous.
Check out my ad on USA Audiomart for a U-1 mini.  I had it acting as a transport to my Lampizator Pacific DAC.  I have had 4 different Lumin products.  I love the App and the performance
In the past I also wanted a Mac Mini for streaming sollution but a few things kept me back,
First of all the Mac Mini is not passively cooled, meaning that will hear always a hum, or fan blowing when listening to music...
Second is constant change of hardware by Apple, and when you buy a newer version will be probably out already, making it a short therm investment

I found my sollution in the Germany made silent PC's called "Cirrus7"
these 100% silent PC's are configurable when ordering, more memory, better cpu, etc. and they come with Windows or Ubuntu LinuxRoon, JRiver Media Center works on both of these operating systems

Also these PC's have multiple USB portsmaking them excellent Audiophile audio/video streaming PC's

I'm very happy with them, they are rock solid build made in Germany!