Record Cleaning Machines

Has anyone out there done an A/B comparison of the cleaning results or efficacy using the Degritter ultra sonic record cleaning machine which operates at 120 kHz/300 watts and an ultrasonic cleaner that operates at 40 kHz/300 or 380 watts (e.g. Audio Desk; CleanerVinyl; the Kirmuss machine; etc.)?  I have a system I put together using CleanerVinyl equipment, a standard 40 kHz ultrasonic tank and a Knosti Disco-Antistat for final rinse.  I clean 3 records at a time and get great results.  Surface noise on well cared for records (only kind I have) is virtually totally eliminated, sound comes from a totally black background and audio performance is noticeably improved in every way.  Even though the Degritter only cleans 1 record at a time, it seems significantly easier to use, more compact and relatively quick, compared to the system I have now.  I'm wondering if the Degritter's 120 kHz is all that much more effective, if at all, in rendering better audio performance than the standard 40 kHz frequency.  I don't mind, at all, spending a little extra time cleaning my records if the audio results using the Degritter are not going to be any different.  I'm not inclined to spend three grand for a little more ease & convenience and to save a few minutes.  However, if I could be assured the Degritter would render better audio performance results, even relatively small improvements, that would be a whole other story.
Thank you, antinn. Your informative response is very helpful. I now know where and what to look for. 
@antinn, I'm aware of the debate between those who eschew the use of IPA in any record cleaning concoction for fear of damaging vinyl/PVC and those who disagree, arguing that a small proportion is not only perfectly safe but, indeed, indispensable for effective cleaning (e.g. Paul Rigby & others). In the old days, I used IPA to clean tape recorder heads but I've never used it in any cleaning solution for records. Your 8-28-21 post seems to indicate IPA would be safe at 2.5%. Do you use IPA in the record cleaning solution(s) you use? Also, the proportions you recommend for the Tergitol are considerably less than any other recipes I've read about. Is this out of concern for potential foaming problems in UCM's? Thanks, again! 
@antinn, by way of a P.S., I'm guessing Walter Davies (REST HIS SOUL!), was comfortable using IPA. The LAST RCM Fluid is 20% IPA. Frankly, I found this very surprising! Seems like a very high concentration, judged by everything I've read, thus far.

Best Regards!

I do not use IPA in my manual cleanings procedure.  Otherwise read Chapter VIII which details IPA, Chapter X which analyzes IPA with the vinyl record, and Chapter XIV which details various cleaners for UT some with 2.5% IPA.

My recommendations for cleaning concentrations are based on the specific chemical properties, and especially the critical micelle concentration (CMC), what does it take achieve best wetting, what does it take to achieve detergency, they are different - read Chapter VIII & Chapter IX.  

Let me add that I adjust the chemical concentration for each method which also takes into account how easy it will be to rinse.  So as an example I specify four different concentrations of Tergitol 15-S-9 used as a final cleaner for these four different methods.

1,  Manual - 0.1%.
2. Vacuum RCM - 0.05%
3.  UT Cleaning - 0.01-0.015%
4.  Degritter (or no rinse) - 0.008%