Raven Osprey with Spatial M3 Sapphires

I’m trying to find a suitable amp to drive my Spatial m3 Sapphires and was looking at the Raven Osprey as an option.
Will the 30 watts cut it and how will the 4 ohm load affect the amp? My room is 16x18 and I listen no louder than 85db max.  I listen to pretty much everything favoring Steely Dan, Fagen, SRV, Dire Straits, Blues, Jazz and some classical.
I would appreciate any expertise you might offer.
@audiosaurusrex -- thank you, again. Your posts are really so helpful, there's nothing better than hearing from actual owners instead of professional reviewers or dealers. Also, appreciate the offer to visit your place. Unfortunately, TX is quite a ways from MA, otherwise I would have definitely taken you up on the offer.

BTW, do you know if your amp can take KT170s? I've heard that they take it to the next level.
yes too bad. My family is down in Houston but they’re not cursed/blessed with this hobby ;-)
I don’t believe the V70 will take the 170’s but honestly the 150’s are just so amazing.
enjoy and hope you let us know what you wind up with.
This thread has gone on so long I now have had my Raven Blackhawk more than a month. Also last month at Chuxpona 21 we had the opportunity to run the Blackhawk with some 87dB speakers. https://systems.audiogon.com/systems/9675  We had no problem reaching nice loud levels even in spite of these power hogs! Also and even more importantly the Blackhawk made them come alive! They were first used with a high power SS amp that had them running rather closed in and veiled. With the Blackhawk it was a remarkable transformation, with a lot more open, detailed and expansive sound. Anyone listening blindfolded would have sworn the amps were reversed, with the Blackhawk sounding much more powerful and in control.  

Back when first asked I was sure the Osprey would be fine. Now I can say for sure you do not even need the Osprey. Save your money. Get the Blackhawk. Thank me later.
@audiosaurusrex -- I got to listen to the Octave V70 courtesy of a great dealer, and I was simply amazed at the beautiful sound it produced. I eventually ended up buying the Audio Hungary Qualiton a50i, which I found to be equally good. I went with the Qualiton because it was a little bit less money and honestly I just fell in love with the chrome/silver finish. But in terms of sound quality, they are both neck to neck. You cannot go wrong with either one.

Blackhawk (sold mine 3 weeks ago) is also a decent amp and great value for the money, but not in the same class as these two. Not even close.