Magico Q7 . . . wow

In the world's best audio system
Sonus, Wilson Benesch, Dynaudio are all very nice speakers.
Haven't heard all of their speakers, but I heard ACT, C4, Amati Futura. I would not trade my Q3 for any of those. C1 I heard briefly and I am quite familiar with Q1 sound, again, no contest. Some people may like C1 better and that's fine but if money is no issue, I don't think it is a financial blunder to go for Q1.
Who is going to decide if the improvement by a certain speaker over another comes with a $10,000-20,000 extra in price tag is worthwhile? That's very personal decision.
Audiofreak, you made your preference's very clear, that's fine, let's move on. There is not need to keep hammering your bias into everyone's brain until they are willing to submit out of pure boredom so that you would go away.

Personally, one speakers that I would consider over Q1 at similar cost would be Nola Metro Grand Reference but I don't think that it is quite a Q3 killer just yet. However, it probably would be better to compare Metro Grand to S5 which I have not heard yet.
and if I have money, I may consider Concert Grand Reference instead of Q7 just because given time, most likely Q7 would go through the floor of my apartment into my downstair neighbor's apartment.
No, mine is the best in the world because I say it is. I don't give a rat's ass what ya'll think !!!!! :)
I just looked up Suteetat system with the Q3 and it got me thinking about the Q7. I wonder if there will be second versions of the Q3 and Q5 with one woofer above the tweeter as in the new Q7. Perhaps the technological advances of the newest Q7 flagship will trickle down to the Q5 and Q3 and Magico will decide to reorient the drivers.
I think that Q7 have this midrange/tweeter arrangement mainly
because of the height of the speakers. With this arrangement, the tweeter would be much closer to ear level at sitting position. I would need to be almost standing up straight to listen to Q7 unless Magico tilt down the tweeter axis quite a bit and may be that would cause more problem than their current arrangement?