If Power Cords Don't Matter...

First of all, I don’t own any high-end power cords, mostly because I can’t fit them behind my rack. Second, I am not trying to stir up controversy, as you will see from my question. I understand that the people who believe power cords make no difference argue that once the power gets into the component, the AC is converted to DC and the power supply of the component takes over completely. I think I have that right for the most part. So it that’s true, and it probably is from a traditional EE standpoint, why is it that I have not heard anyone say that power conditioners make no difference? I am not aware of anyone with a decent system ever saying that a Niagara or Triton or Audience teflon conditioner didn’t affect their sound, for good or for bad. So if the EE theory is true, wouldn’t power conditioners make no difference either? I have an Audience AR6T for almost 10 years and I think it made a big difference. BTW - I am not talking about Power Plants, which deal with voltage stabilization, which is a different topic.  Obviously, if your AC voltage is way off, it's going to cause problems.  
@pedroeb how is the pressure vs Voltage  not a valid analogy or metaphor?
As we all know high end audio or the obsession for audio perfection, is an ocd hobby. I think we can all agree on that. I am included in the above label. The topic of power cords is pretty simple.   If your ocd obsession is not strong enough to strive for better sound that it compels you to buy a $500 SR cable then dont buy one.  I can safely say that a couple of these cords at least for amp and preamp definitely improved transparency in my system.  I have been very satisfied with the results and would have never believed it unless I put two in place.  I really don’t care how it works but it works so again if your obsession for audio perfection does not motivate you to purchase a $500 power cord then don’t.  The guess work has been done and the manufacturers would stop making and selling them if audiophiles got no benefits from them in their systems.   I don’t see the demand going away anytime soon.
Have a safe holiday weekend
douglas_schroeder3,152 posts

I've been wracking my brain and finally I'll just have to ask.
What the heck are sets?
+1 three-easy-payments "first 6 feet": yes, that has really helped me understand it.