Does anyone use this streamer? Seems like an amazing bargain but not a plug and play type of devise on the surface. If you are using it what is your configuration? MAC/PC based? Digione OS? Music software? Do you know what OS's work with what music software? I'm familiar with JRiver and Foobar, nice to have it controlled through a tablet or phone. Can't find much info on the net regarding this relative to this product.

What is the best connection to the DAC? USB or COAX?

Any help appreciated!

I just bought a RPI4 with a DigiOne Signature. I am using it with MoodeAudio and a BubbleUPnP android app as a controller. So far I am underwhelmed by the sound. It sounds a bit harsh at the top end. I have Tidal and Qobuz subscriptions. I also bought the Shanti linear power supply.
 I have a couple of questions.
1 Using BubbleUPnP is it only controlling MoodeAudio and is not streaming music to it?
2 If all streaming is occurring on the RPI4, why does it not sound that great? Will it improve over time, or is there some kind of configuration I need to do in MoodeAudio?
3 Would it improve if I connected directly to Tidal and Qobuz from the RPI4/MoodeAudio?
I have a BlueSound 2i, and was hoping to hear an immediate improvement but so far not hearing it.
anwarmaj, I'm only familiar with BubbleUpnp and at some point streamed to a Signature Rendu until I realized my phone was acting as a server and streaming to it over wifi and I needed another device also with bubbleupnp server installed to actually do the streaming as a server (sms200 neo), that's probably what you want, and only use the android bubble app as a controller. It will sound better.

On the bluesound, I never used the stock power cord but a Pangea AC14 SE signature with the appropriate c7 connector and the sound was very good, I then upgraded to a wireworld mini-electra for an improvement. Still using that for TV sound (via optical) and sometimes Tidal or Qobuz when too busy to fire up the network bridge and manually switch inputs to coax on my dac. It sounds good as well. Either way with any of my network devices, the best sound I get is not over wifi. Hope this helps you out.
I just bought a RPI4 with a DigiOne Signature. I am using it with MoodeAudio and a BubbleUPnP android app as a controller. So far I am underwhelmed by the sound. It sounds a bit harsh at the top end. I have Tidal and Qobuz subscriptions. I also bought the Shanti linear power supply.

I have an RPI4 with the DigiOne (not Signature) running Moode and it is a significant upgrade from my Sonos Connect. I am not sure how BubbleUPnP might be affecting or manipulating the chain of sound, but suggest you try removing it from the chain and use the moode interface directly by going to moode.local on your browser. Also curious what DAC you are using and how you are connecting from the DigiOne to the DAC. 

I have a PI3 and the DigiOne not signature.  I used Volumio and attached it to the MHDT Orchid Dac.  For me the Toslink didn't sound as good as the RCA digital input and I never tried the Coax.
I liked it but as an Amazon Music user I had to move away from it and replaced it with a I5 fanless Windows PC.  
For me the MHDT USB driver and supplied USB cable sounded better than just the DigiOne but the Signature with a different DAC should sound pretty darn good.  
I really liked the Volumio interface and wish there was a Windows version.  For now  I remote into it and use Foobar but it's no where near as user friendly as Volumio was