Magico Q7 . . . wow

In the world's best audio system
Audio freak, oops you just lost some credibility when you said BMWs are in the shop half the time. I've owned two of them (currently lease a Jag, it's been great too) and neither of them was ever in the shop one day except for annual scheduled maintenance which was free.

I am sure Magico speakers are great, as are Sonus, but trying to win this speaker argument by trashing BMW as problematic is simply ridiculous.
BMW is the new joke at the Honda and Toyota dealers. I have a very good friend that has owned 4 different BMWs and got so tired of them being at the dealer for reapirs he finally bought a new Toyota and never looked back.

Ever heard of Edmunds and KKB? Initial quality, durability and resale.... check it out. You will find names like Lexus, Honda and Toyota. Ummmm, Jauguar? Wow, one of the WORST in the list.

If you lease every 30 or 36 months, you cannot speak on the reliability of a car. Try owning a BMW for 10 years, put 120k miles on it, then lets discuss its repair record vs. a Lexus for example.
I don't want to own any car for 10 years. I lease a new car every 2 to 3 years. I could care less how problematic a car may be in 10 years - who keeps a car 10 years?

I don't even keep audio products 10 years. I can't imagine keeping amps, speakers, digital, etc. for more than 3 or 4 years. Time and technology march on.

If your friend is buying BMW's or any car that is 10 years old, he probably needs to get a second job so he can afford something newer!

And BTW, I love my Jag - it has been flawless. Won't have it but about 11 more months. Porsche is next.