I have been screwed on craigslist Vancouver only twice after hundreds of transactions buying/selling AV and other household objects for many years. What's more, as a freelancer, I acquire very nearly 100% of my pro clients -- nooo, not THAT kind of "freelancer" or "pro clients" :) -- on CL. Ironically, it was the latter that screwed me for payment, one of which I had insisted on a 50% deposit so I was only 1/2 screwed in that instance.
Nonetheless, selling this pile on CL would be arduous and unnecessary when there are more appropriate alternatives already mentioned elsewhere in this thread.
I have been screwed on craigslist Vancouver only twice after hundreds of transactions buying/selling AV and other household objects for many years. What's more, as a freelancer, I acquire very nearly 100% of my pro clients -- nooo, not THAT kind of "freelancer" or "pro clients" :) -- on CL. Ironically, it was the latter that screwed me for payment, one of which I had insisted on a 50% deposit so I was only 1/2 screwed in that instance.
Nonetheless, selling this pile on CL would be arduous and unnecessary when there are more appropriate alternatives already mentioned elsewhere in this thread.