PrimaLuna Evo 200 underwhelming

Hi all, I wonder if someone can help or advise. I bought an ex. Display Primaluna Evo 200 a couple of weeks ago, mainly based on all the rave reviews and excellent comments on various forums. I must say, that vocals are terrific but overall, the sound seems muffled. There seems to be a hole where the mid range detail should be. I have tried the 4 and 8 ohm settings and there doesn’t seem a great deal of difference. I am using it with a Linn Genki CD player and Robson Acoustics Opulus speakers, also Vintage Tannoy Mercury speakers. I haven’t messed with the tubes because I have no idea how to do that. I so want this amplifier to sound beautiful but there is something missing. Can anyone help please?
You’re on to something with the Tannoy speakers. It’s no accident that Upscale Audio is the U.S. distributor for both Primaluna and Tannoy. I’ve heard the combination at Upscale and the higher end Primaluna amps 300/400 play really well with Tannoys. Can’t comment on the 200 - haven’t heard it. I nearly purchased a set of Tannoys before settling on Spatial Audio M3 Sapphire. I don’t think the Spatials are available yet in the UK.

The tube suggestions above are good as well. I swapped out the stock 12AU7 gain tubes for Brimar CV4003 and immediately noticed a more defined top end and slightly more soundstage depth. I recently rolled in a set of KT120 power tubes and noticed more detail from lows to highs and more power and weight in the bass. The KT150s are a step up in horsepower from the 120s. You have to remove the tube cage to use the 150s, so not the best choice if you have young kids around which is why I haven’t tried them.

if you’re new to tube amps you might be a little intimidated about the idea of swapping tubes. Don’t be - it doesn’t require any special skill set. Just gently but firmly pull the old tubes out and gently but firmly seat the new tubes in. Just don’t get in the habit of swapping tubes out every other week, which over time will start to degrade the sockets. Put them in and leave them in.
Thanks guys, that’s good advice. As advised by another responder, I tried the Evo through my Bose headphones and they do sound amazing. So clearly the info is there but not through the speakers. I can’t afford to change the Robsons, they were not cheap, and I know eventually I will tire of the Tannoys in my small listening room. So I have made the decision and arranged to send the Evo 200 back, while I still can. Amazingly, in comparison my Naim Uniti Atom sounds pretty good but having had a taste of the tube amplifiers sound, I know what I want. It’s been a good exercise though, and I have learned a lot from all you guys, that will put me in good stead for the future. So happy listening everyone and many thanks. 
Look into a Rogue Cronus Magnum 3 integrated.  At 100wpc, it should drive your power hungry speakers just fine.  

I've used Prima Luna pre & power combinations and Prima Luna pre with respectable power amps, driving Thiel and later a fine UK monitor in their gold series.  Lovely, no "holes."  Gear has changed for me- integrated amp with tubes in the pre stage,now driving my Quad 23L speakers. Using a Linn CD player and a Music Fidelity DAC, I am totally enjoying the music. That's what it's all about. 
@holmz. He will give you recommendations on tubes for the Evo.

I tried and that failed, so I tried email.
My communication there also seemed to fail.
We can sell our dealers Primaluna tubes at a discount but all other brands are sold at retail cost. 
Service/Support Team - Upscale Audio

On Mon, Aug 30, 2021 at 7:35 PM, Holmz wrote: 

Hi Josh, 
Let me rephrase it then. I have a Prima Luna, and I need new tubes. What can I order from Kevin as the Prima Luna dealer? 

Sent from my iPad 
On 31 Aug 2021, at 9:03 am, Josh Phelps from Upscale Audio <> wrote: 

 Hi X
We stay away from giving really specific recommendations on tubes. We don't ever want to promise something and not deliver. 
Service/Support Team - Upscale Audio 

On Mon, Aug 30, 2021 at 6:51 PM, Holmz wrote: 
I saw Kevin Deal’s name mentioned on a forum, and I have a Prima Luna that I acquired from a friend. 
I am running this into an older set of Vandersteen 2C speakers. 

What tubes would you recommend, and can we do an order with a credit card over the phone? 

Sent from my iPad

Maybe we were both having a bad day?