New to me speakers

Focus Nova Utopia or Coincident Extreme Reference , both 10 years old, or new Tekton V18 ? Currently have Double Impacts and Wyeteck tube amp and pre. 32 by 30 wood panelled dedicated A frame room.
I would not be looking to power Utopias with low to moderate power tube amp. I have heard Moabs and a few more recent Utopia line speakers, and my opinion it is pretty lopsided. No speaker is an island though, you have to have the right gear. 
You can't audition so your knowledge will be limited.  Listen to your BIL's setup.  What amp is he using on the Victorys?  Is it similar to yours?  Can you take your amp over his house and see how they work with the Victorys?  The Coincidents have very high quality drivers and are designed to work with moderate power tube amps.  I would encourage you to go in their direction.
Yes, a nice min of power amp will be required to drive properly, and not clip the amps. 
   We have been through many amps past 30 years,....have found a min of 250-300 WPC/RMSIS NEEDED. To listen too, any less, you will clip your amp, u less you have 250+ rms per channel. 
  People will say,...20 watts, 59 watts ,...those first watt at 3-7 watts per channel is enough,...HAHAHAHAHAH, don’t drink the koolaid!!!

 Watts and headroom you will need to properly drive speakers!
even low watt speakers, you will need headroom to drive ur speakers!

sure, a 10 W class a amp will drive a pair of 91 spl speakers ,......

 if you listen , or want to listen a bit louder, will need power. 
 Headroom will slam the crescendo to what I need!

  The flea watt amps will never be enough!

get a min 250+ WPC/rms  to drive, and control ur speakers!

 Been through a lot of speakers and amps,...nothing will satisfy you like power. 
  My least powerful amps are about 375WPC @4Ohm,most powerful are about 1000W at 4Ohms!!.....
speakers rated at only 250W peak!  The sound is amazing, the headroom, the drums, guitar, everything is superb!  We will stick to our 250 WPC + amps ,for headroom, bass slam, midrange, etc etc. 

 try out amps, if you don’t believe  headroom is the answer , use the flea watt amps to drive speakers. and see for yourself the advantage  of more power. 
 We will never look back!

 250-300+ WPC AMPS WILL satisfy you!
don’t believe the hype and tripe!