Cartridge ISOLATION; What Say You?

another good read, it does go against my 'instinct' of a rock solid cartridge/arm connection. (non-removable headshell) 

Who thinks what?
Who tried what?

btw, has anyone tried a Len Gregory cartridge (with or without the isolator)?

another comment in the article: reviewer mentioned a layer of isolation under the tonearm base (he tried blu-tac). Also against my 'instinct'.
My take is simple.  The cartridge needs a solid sink to take excess vibrations that are generated in the cartridge while playing the record.

I tried a couple of isolation devices, and found they smeared the frequency balance and the soundstage, messed with the bass, and generally degraded the sound.
The suspense is killing me. Does Peter Ledermann advocate using the enabler? Or what does he advocate after having demonstrated vibration in the cartridge and tonearm? I agree with Ralph. But then I will be chastised for using logic rather than experience. On the other hand I have had 45 years of experience playing LPs. Anyway I wonder what is the possible advantage of absolutely preventing vibration from moving from the cartridge into the tonearm? Especially if the tonearm is properly damped. I suppose it could not hurt to dissipate that energy within the context of the enabler, so in that sense the enabler may be harmless. For undamped tonearms by extension I suppose the enabler might be helpful. In previous discussions of these devices I mentioned that this issue is much bigger for low compliance i.e. moving coil cartridges than it is for high compliance cartridges which can dissipate more energy in their suspensions.
As usual it's so ugly looking device that can make any beautiful tonearm and cartridge looks ugly. 
My arm/arm-board/plinth (70mm 7 layer JVC) are solid, thus I believe all groove/stylus vibration is going into the cartridge;

Then either they stopped teaching basic physics in high school, or you slept through it. Newton, for every action there is an equal and opposite reaction. What you describe is impossible. Never happen. If it did we could not play baseball, tennis, drive cars, on and on.    

The reason the stylus vibrates in the first place is the record groove hits it. Therefore, equal and opposite, just as much vibrational energy goes into the record as the cartridge. Equal and opposite. Are you sure you never heard this before? Just checking.   

These record grooves by the way, they are at right angles to each other which means each side is 45 degrees to vertical, which means Ralph is wrong all the vibrational energy is not in the plane of the platter.   

If you want to try gaskets and duct tape be my guest. Right now on the Tekton Owner's Group on FB there is a guy thinks it funny to use jumper cables. So har de har har. Knock yourself out. When (if) you decide to come back to reality and learn something I will still be here. Who knows if I can set aside the BS might even answer another question or two.   

The reason the stylus vibrates in the first place is the record groove hits it. Therefore, equal and opposite, just as much vibrational energy goes into the record as the cartridge. Equal and opposite.
Conservation of mechanical (vibrational) energy is not a law, but conservation of energy is. Therefore the vibrations are not necessarily equal.