Power cord supplied with Luxman L-509X Integrated Amp

The power cord looks really cheap for such a quality amp. A polarized 2 prong male end to plug into the wall and only 2 prongs on the amp. What can I replace this with and not be unsafe? Seems all aftermarket power cables have 3 prongs.

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I've never had an expensive piece of hifi that DIDN'T come with a cheap looking generic power cord.  Same goes for interconnects.  BYOC (Bring Your Own Cable) is expected.
What is physically happening in the cable that produces a better sound out of the system?

And can it all be measured?
Assuming this was an original US piece, then 2 prongs is all you need, and you'll run into less ground loop / noise problems.

To use 2 prongs the equipment must be double shielded, so that an internal fault won't route the AC's 120V to the chasis.

I still use a shielded power cord however.  This covers the AC wires in a shield that is grounded at the outlet and has no connection at the Luxman for noise reduction.

Most 3 prong cords are not shielded and cheap shielded cords are available on Amazon.