Magico Q7 . . . wow

In the world's best audio system
No speaker changes in the near future planned. I still love the Mini II. I just completed a major turntable/arm/cartridge upgrade. No itches here. I would love to hear the Q7 though. And the Q1 which I'm sure is better than the Mini. I just don't know if I can justify the cost to upgrade. I like the Mini look better, but I understand why Magico moved to all-aluminum.
I myself look forward to hearing the Q7. I don't understand why some consider the price of a speaker as a factor in evaluating the sound of a speaker. Seems to me that many people (I stress many not all) don't like any Magico because of the price. I understand the Q7 is extremely costly! but what counts to me is how it sounds.

I acknowledge that I might get 90% of the Q7 from, say, the Maxx 3 or a Focal model, but to me the question of what one would pay for that 10% is seperate from whether the 10% exists. (Admittedly this is a bit of an over simplification, and i hope my point is clear. Also, I use the Maxx 3 and Focal and "10%" just as an example). It seems to me that the price of the assumed 10% difference is each person's own decision, but that doesn't change the 10% assumed difference. If one were asked which car is better, a Ferrari California or a VW, I would say the Ferarri (again an admitted over simplification).

I am a Q3 owner and enjoy the speakers greatly, but I found they needed a sub (I'm using a Rel Studio III) for some additional bass weight. The Q3 has fast and detailed bass, but I found it a bit too lean on the bottom on its own (same issue with the Q5 to my ear) in my system (VTL/Scarlatti/Valhalla). I also acknowledge the criticism that Magicos can tilt to the analytical with some material.

In response to the earrlier post asking for a recommendation of a speaker comptetitive with the Q3 but less expensive, my unequivocal recommendation would be the Martin Logan Summit X. It is a superb speaker and an absolutely fantastic value. It actually bests the Q3 in some areas. Also, I think even this ML can benefit from a sub.
I'm a Believer now; I have seen the light. I finally had a chance to listen to the Magico Q7's in a real world, home system and I can say I heard the magic. Dartzeel NHB 450M amps; Dartzeel 18 NS Pre amp with internal phono; Wave Kinetics NVS TT w/Talea tone arm and Ortofon A90 cartridge; mostly Tara labs cabling and all I can say is it was the best sound I have ever heard, bar none! What's even more amazing is the speaker isn't even fully broken in! I will return in a month and listen again. Sorry for all my negative comments above; but this proves how important system set up and electronics is for the best sound to flow with this speaker. I was amazed at the inner detail, musicality, dynamics and sheer effortless sound. Anne-Sophie Mutter's "Carmen Fantasie" on DG Vinyl sounded so real I wanted to cry! This is an all digital recordinng but the LP was anything but! The Gladiator soundtrack LP played loud never hinted at break up or smearing; simply stunning presentation. I won't be selling my Evolution Acoustics anytime soon, but do now appreciate the quality and what this speaker is capable of reproducing.
Wow, what a change of heart... Thank you for sharing, maniac. I wish more people will take the time and open their mind to experience worthy products. I believe audiophiles, me included, are their own worst enemies; making conclusions based mainly on their comfort with the "familiar". It stops innovation, create stagnation and leads to a demise, i.e. our industry status.
Hifi, I just read your latest post and then reread your earlier posts bashing Magico. They read like they are from two different people. I'm glad you had such a good recent experience with the Q7 and congratulate you on your willingness to give Magico another listen. I agree that component complimentarity and system set up are crucial to getting good sound.