Magico Q7 . . . wow

In the world's best audio system
I myself look forward to hearing the Q7. I don't understand why some consider the price of a speaker as a factor in evaluating the sound of a speaker. Seems to me that many people (I stress many not all) don't like any Magico because of the price. I understand the Q7 is extremely costly! but what counts to me is how it sounds.

I acknowledge that I might get 90% of the Q7 from, say, the Maxx 3 or a Focal model, but to me the question of what one would pay for that 10% is seperate from whether the 10% exists. (Admittedly this is a bit of an over simplification, and i hope my point is clear. Also, I use the Maxx 3 and Focal and "10%" just as an example). It seems to me that the price of the assumed 10% difference is each person's own decision, but that doesn't change the 10% assumed difference. If one were asked which car is better, a Ferrari California or a VW, I would say the Ferarri (again an admitted over simplification).

I am a Q3 owner and enjoy the speakers greatly, but I found they needed a sub (I'm using a Rel Studio III) for some additional bass weight. The Q3 has fast and detailed bass, but I found it a bit too lean on the bottom on its own (same issue with the Q5 to my ear) in my system (VTL/Scarlatti/Valhalla). I also acknowledge the criticism that Magicos can tilt to the analytical with some material.

In response to the earrlier post asking for a recommendation of a speaker comptetitive with the Q3 but less expensive, my unequivocal recommendation would be the Martin Logan Summit X. It is a superb speaker and an absolutely fantastic value. It actually bests the Q3 in some areas. Also, I think even this ML can benefit from a sub.
I'm a Believer now; I have seen the light. I finally had a chance to listen to the Magico Q7's in a real world, home system and I can say I heard the magic. Dartzeel NHB 450M amps; Dartzeel 18 NS Pre amp with internal phono; Wave Kinetics NVS TT w/Talea tone arm and Ortofon A90 cartridge; mostly Tara labs cabling and all I can say is it was the best sound I have ever heard, bar none! What's even more amazing is the speaker isn't even fully broken in! I will return in a month and listen again. Sorry for all my negative comments above; but this proves how important system set up and electronics is for the best sound to flow with this speaker. I was amazed at the inner detail, musicality, dynamics and sheer effortless sound. Anne-Sophie Mutter's "Carmen Fantasie" on DG Vinyl sounded so real I wanted to cry! This is an all digital recordinng but the LP was anything but! The Gladiator soundtrack LP played loud never hinted at break up or smearing; simply stunning presentation. I won't be selling my Evolution Acoustics anytime soon, but do now appreciate the quality and what this speaker is capable of reproducing.
Wow, what a change of heart... Thank you for sharing, maniac. I wish more people will take the time and open their mind to experience worthy products. I believe audiophiles, me included, are their own worst enemies; making conclusions based mainly on their comfort with the "familiar". It stops innovation, create stagnation and leads to a demise, i.e. our industry status.
Hifi, I just read your latest post and then reread your earlier posts bashing Magico. They read like they are from two different people. I'm glad you had such a good recent experience with the Q7 and congratulate you on your willingness to give Magico another listen. I agree that component complimentarity and system set up are crucial to getting good sound.
"component complimentarity and system set up are crucial to getting good sound."

It is particularly true, with a brand like Magico.