GaN based SU-R1000 Technics Integrated Class-D, review by TAS

After their unobtainable and unaffordable ground breaking 1.5mhz switching speed, Technics SE-R1 GaN Class-D power amp, this new offspring integrated has finally gotten an in depth review.

I had high hopes for Technics "fully optioned" SU-R1000 integrated, "looks" like my hopes could be founded, here is the The Absolute Sound’s 7 page!!! review on it, enjoy.

Cheers George
Coda also uses 40 Bipolors on the outputs day Huge 3kva potted transformer

Great output stage setup for the bases to me the best of linear high bias SS amp/s. Gryphon, Dan Ago, Krell, John Curl etc etc all still go this way, and still to me nothing competes with them when hearing them.

But Class-D is going to be the norm that's fact, especially with offshoots of Technics SE-R1 and it’s 1.5mhz switching frequency, but still even these amps can’t drive speakers like Wilson Alexia’s etc. Like what those Gryphon, Dan Ago, Krell, John Curl etc etc linear complimentary bi-polar amps can, and they'll still be around for those that want the very best, with the very best of speakers that are usually very hard to drive.

As it not possible "yet" for GaN or any complimentary Mosfets to keep almost doubling their wattage for each halving of impedance from 8ohm to 4ohm to 2ohm like the big Bi-Polar amps above can do.

Cheers George

1. The SE-R1 needs to be at 1.5MHz to perform as it does, considering the rest of its design.

2. The AGD does not need to run that high to perform as it does. Its design and execution are superior, I believe. sure, they increased the frequency to 800MHz now, but the improvement in SQ is incremental not dramatic.

3. You’re always mentioning specs; you should mention SQ. Both AGD’s are superior in SQ. Would you rather have your 1.5MHz and lesser SQ? Of course not!

4. I believe the best performance and SQ will be using a linear power supply. I had an H2O S250 Signature, B&O and linear, and it performed beautifully with Apogees, including Scintillas. I’ll wait for that amp rather than jump into the current wild, wild west!

I believe the best performance and SQ will be using a linear power supply

That’s exactly what I did in the 2nd system with my Hypex NC500 monoblocks (same as BelCanto Reference-600 monoblocks). Two things I did that took them to another level, I now have a massive linear supply and the other was when I also completely bypass the Hypex modules input gain stage, because my MSB Discrete R2R DAC has up 7.5Vpp variable output and can drive each of the NC500 poweramps balanced in stage itself direct.

Would you rather have your 1.5MHz and lesser SQ
Yes defiantly the 1.5mhz or more switching speed "and better sound quality" it brings. Because the 70 degrees of phase shift in the upper mids/highs on Class-D’s will then be almost reduced to 0, like good linear amps that have FR’s out to 200khz and because of that they also have almost 0 phase shift in the audio band

Cheers George
EXACTLY ! And that's what I'm doing with the Orchard Audio Ultra Amplifier modules. Five of them with 2 massive Toroidal's for the GaN Amps (one powers two GaN's, the other power's three GaN's) along with smaller toroidal's for the drive stages. Lots of filtering and rectification along with proper grounding. 

There is absolutely nothing wrong with switching supplies with all the advances that have been done with that technology. I'm listening to the loaner Ultra Amplifier for a month now and I'd power the modules with switching supplies without hesitation.

But it just looks so cool inside with all those big ass Toroid's (and little ass one's too. Amp modules are coming soon. I have some wiring to cleanup so don't judge my workmanship....yet.

4. I believe the best performance and SQ will be using a linear power supply.