Townshend Springs under Speakers

I was very interested, especially with all the talk.   I brought the subject up on the Vandersteen forum site, and Richard Vandersteen himself weighed in.   As with everything, nothing is perfect in all circumstances.  If the floor is wobbly, springs can work, if the speaker is on solid ground, 3 spikes is preferred.
@three_easy_payments, Thank you for your kind comment, much appreciated.
"It seems like most of the people that like spikes and/or sound anchors seem to have cabinets that are not ringing and resonating?
I could easily imagine that people with “I’ll say better made” speaker cabinets, prefer spikes and mass to pin them spatially.And that the isolators may help actually people who’s cabinets tend to excite the floor.
I am in the first camp"

That certainty appears to be a contributing factor (Speaker cabinet construction and type of floor/surface they are sitting on). ) Seems what Richard Vandersteen was alluding to given his post testing comments and results  in his two seperate rooms. You have to give him credit for actually trying a product with his own speakers.
@charles1dad not sure if it was this thread or the other Townshend thread, but there was a Wilson speaker owner who found the Podiums a profound improvement over spikes.
I think Wilson would fall into the 'inert cabinet' group, so I think that busts your theory.
Couldn't find the Wilson reference, but this review is with Magico S7s which are at the edge of the art for cabinet construction:
FWIW here is another reference to using the Podiums with Magico speakers:
vac_man13 posts06-29-2021 12:39pmI just recently replaced Isoacoustic Gaias under my Magico A3's with the Townshend Podiums, and I must say, the results have been astonishing. The bass is much tighter, faster and articulate; in contrast -- and I have to admit that I did not really appreciate this before making the change -- the bass was kind of bloated and did not have the degree of control that I now hear. More importantly, though, the mid-range and high frequencies became much more open and detailed, and with that, better imaging and a much improved soundstage. It's as if I just substantially upgraded my speakers. The Townshend Podiums work, and they work extremely well.

That certainty appears to be a contributing factor (Speaker cabinet construction and type of floor/surface they are sitting on). ) Seems what Richard Vandersteen was alluding to given his post testing comments and results in his two seperate rooms. You have to give him credit for actually trying a product with his own speakers.

I already gave him credit… actually it was cash ;)

So I’ll stick with the spikes they came with.