Townshend Springs under Speakers

I was very interested, especially with all the talk.   I brought the subject up on the Vandersteen forum site, and Richard Vandersteen himself weighed in.   As with everything, nothing is perfect in all circumstances.  If the floor is wobbly, springs can work, if the speaker is on solid ground, 3 spikes is preferred.
FWIW here is another reference to using the Podiums with Magico speakers:
vac_man13 posts06-29-2021 12:39pmI just recently replaced Isoacoustic Gaias under my Magico A3's with the Townshend Podiums, and I must say, the results have been astonishing. The bass is much tighter, faster and articulate; in contrast -- and I have to admit that I did not really appreciate this before making the change -- the bass was kind of bloated and did not have the degree of control that I now hear. More importantly, though, the mid-range and high frequencies became much more open and detailed, and with that, better imaging and a much improved soundstage. It's as if I just substantially upgraded my speakers. The Townshend Podiums work, and they work extremely well.

That certainty appears to be a contributing factor (Speaker cabinet construction and type of floor/surface they are sitting on). ) Seems what Richard Vandersteen was alluding to given his post testing comments and results in his two seperate rooms. You have to give him credit for actually trying a product with his own speakers.

I already gave him credit… actually it was cash ;)

So I’ll stick with the spikes they came with.
Sound Anchors does apparently make stands for 2Cs as shown in this ad.  
I cannot speak to "most people," but my large monitors each weigh 105 pounds and have the densest cabinets of any speakers I have owned. They are mounted to 70-pound Sound Anchor stands that sit on commercial carpet with a thick/dense foam pad over a concrete slab-on-grade. For years, I used Sound Anchor's own hardened steel spikes and later edenSound's Bear Paws to spike the speaker/stands to the concrete floor. I more recently tried decoupling the speakers from the floor by first using Herbie's dBNeutralizer products (giant fat dots and gliders) and then I tried damped springs.  Even with the dense cabinets, heavy stands, and concrete floor, I like the sound of the decoupled speakers on springs better than how they sounded spiked to the floor.  Not a night and day difference, but I perceive improvements in clarity, tone, decay, and the naturalness of the presentation.
Sound Anchors does apparently make stands for 2Cs as shown in this ad.

I have never seen a set on any other speakers than on Vandersteens .

Well lets suppose there is a difference.
  1. Then it would have to be either cabinet resonance producing the sound.
  2. Or the cabinet resonating the floor,
  3. Or the cabinet moving to change the speaker like Doppler or IMD.
  4. Or something else

if we excited the speaker with an impulse then it is possible that we could see something different between them in decay?
And if we put in a known broadband signal, then we could compare he two in the frequency domain, and look at amplitude and phase.We could also compare the cross correlation of the known signal with the measured signal.Ideally that would appear as the Dirac delta function.
If one was DDF and the other smeared out, then technically the better impulse response is higher fidelity, even if one likes the other one better.

With tones it sll seems harder to do.
The main way it could not be measurable, is if it was not different.
Then the main way it could be perceived as different, is if was purely psychological..
"I think Wilson would fall into the ’inert cabinet’ group, so I think that busts your theory."

@tobes, there is no theory to "bust". I thought my position was very clear when I wrote earlier in this thread that both (Star Sound and Townshend) are exceptionally good at what they do. That is how I genuinely view this.

It is very apparent from the testimonials on this thread if I’m interpreting them right, ’Both’ are excellent approaches to manage vibration and resonance. @tvad and @grannyring have used both products and praised both of them.

As is nearly always inevitable with High End audio products the results that people report are going to vary precisely because of numerous variables that have to be accounted for. So it is no surprise that some who have "inert" speaker cabinets will prefer spring isolation and others with same type of speaker will prefer the alternative solution (Richard Vandersteen).

Those who own speakers with less inert and more lively cabinets will also find success with either type of vibration management approach. It would all depend upon what are the addition variables or circumstances involved.

I just don’t think that lines drawn in the sand has to be the default stance.
In my opinion this thread raised some insightful commentary and questions. For those interested in addressing speaker/audio component isolation from resonance/vibration there is perhaps more awareness of ways to tackle the problem due to this thread.