Townshend Springs under Speakers

I was very interested, especially with all the talk.   I brought the subject up on the Vandersteen forum site, and Richard Vandersteen himself weighed in.   As with everything, nothing is perfect in all circumstances.  If the floor is wobbly, springs can work, if the speaker is on solid ground, 3 spikes is preferred.
Well said Charles.  Both products help the speakers disappear as said above. I have Dali Epicon 6 speakers with upgraded crossover components. 
@grannyring , thanks. Your contributions are always thoughtful and informative. Appreciate having you on this forum. 
+1 Charles and Grannyring.

I had a pair of Sound Anchors stands on my Spendor SP100 speakers years ago. They make stands for a lot of speakers.
As far as the rest of what you said, I didn’t get it.
@charles1dad  I didn't read your comments as a criticism of either the spike or isolation approach.
I was commenting on this postulation:
I could easily imagine that people with “I’ll say better made” speaker cabinets, prefer spikes and mass to pin them spatially.And that the isolators may help actually people who’s cabinets tend to excite the floor.
My point was the Townshend Podiums have been reported to work with speakers having both very inert/dense/rigid cabinet materials and more conventional MDF cabinets - and speakers of all shapes and sizes for that matter. So not sure if construction can be used as an accurate barometer for predicting the performance of one approach over the other. 
My podiums are scheduled arrive next week, so at the moment I can't express an opinion on their performance, but I have prefered the Herbies isolators over rigid coupling in my room/system (hence my intrest in the Podiums).
I did mention that it is certainly possible that speaker enclosure construction could be a variable that favors the choice of a particular isolation product. As more data points are accumulated It seems as I wrote earlier in this thread, that multiple factors are in play.

Thus my contention that both products will be quite effective in mitigating vibration and resonance.
Congratulations in regard to getting the Townshend Podiums. I am sure they will be an asset to your audio system.